Living Harmony for Zurich
How to live in harmony with the 5 Elements.
Love, Luck, Health, Familie, Finances, Career, Creativity and Spirituality.
Astrologie und Numerologie für Zürich » Living in Harmony
Your living space is the mirror of your life. Tell me how you live and…
Feng Shui & Geomanty for Zurich: I love working with energies and with the invisible. In every direction there are areas of life, organs, illnesses, power animals, psyche, colors, stones and images of nature.
What is Feng Shui? Its ancient Chinese wisdom about the interaction of living space and people.
Just because you can’t see something doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Feng Shui – living in harmony with the five elements fire, water, earth, wood and metal.
...I'll tell you who you are
Each consultation is individual and personal depending on the topic. After the first telephone contact, I will prepare a non-binding offer.
1. Measurement with compass on site the position of the building
2) Analysis of the floor plan and housing situation
3) Detailed elaboration of the plans
4) Personal advice on site
Required documents: floor plans, cadastral plan, date of birth
By appointment